19 January 2011
The health and social care bill 2011 introduced in the House of Commons. Biggest shakeup in NHS in 60 years despite coalition agreement promise to "stop the top-down reorganisations of the NHS that have got in the way of patient care".
31 January
The Lancet journal runs an editorial entitled The End of our National Health Service, as the bill receives its second reading, a vote to approve the general principles passing by 321-235, a majority of 86.
23 February
First signs of cuts: more than 50,000 jobs start to disappear from the NHS as trusts struggle to make £20bn efficiency savings.
28 February
Lib Dem peer Shirley Williams says she cannot support an "untried and disruptive reorganisation".
31 February
David Bennett, newly appointed head of Monitor, the NHS economic regulator says health service will be subjected to Tesco-style competition.
13 March
Lib Dem grassroots rebellion at party spring conference fuelled by fear of privatisation and an undue emphasis on competition.
16 March
Cameron bested by Ed Miliband over NHS reform, signs that PM worried.
31 March
Bill gets through committee stage of Commons.
6 April 2011
David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Andrew Lansley launch listening exercise on NHS reform – to hear public's view – on a visit to Frimley Park Hospital, Surrey.
13 April
RCN conference: 96% of 497 nursing delegates in Liverpool take the unprecedented decision to give Andrew Lansley a vote of no confidence.
13 April
Cameron announces NHS Future Forum – a group of clinicians, patient representatives voluntary sector representatives and others from the health field, including frontline staff, that will oversee the NHS listening exercise.
21 April 2011
38 Degrees' petition against the reforms passes 250,000 signatures
13 May
Andrew Lansley's NHS reforms are unworkable, says Steve Field, the GP appointed to head the NHS listening exercise
16 May
2011 David Cameron delivers a speech at Ealing Hospital restating the case for change in the NHS.
13 June
The NHS Future Forum launches report and recommendations to the government at a press conference – sets out U-turn to "dilute" plans for competition in the NHS.
16 June
This NHS debacle sets us back a generation, says former Blairite health secretary Alan Milburn, who warns Labour not to "retreat to the comfort zone of public sector, producer-interest protectionism".
21 June
Bill re-enters Commons to debate "changes to the changes" wrought by Cameron's listening exercise
19 July
Lansley announces the government will open up more than £1bn of NHS services to competition from private firms and charities
20 July
British Medical Association votes to "start a public campaign to call for the withdrawal of the health and social care bill"
19 August
The number of people waiting for NHS care rises sharply, with hundreds waiting more than a year to be offered treatment
1 September
BMA leader warns hospitals will be forced to treat wealthy foreigners to raise cash rather than treat poor patients as they are hit by cuts to the NHS budget and the government's reforms
7 September
The bill passes the Commons and receives its third reading, by 316 votes to 251. The bill leaves Commons for the House of Lords
19 September
Ministers' favourite social enterprise Central Surrey Health loses out on £90m NHS bid to Virgin-owned health company – sending shivers through the sector.
1 October
The coalition's reorganisation of the NHS risks diluting the government's "constitutional responsibilities" to the health service, an influential Lords committee warns.
12 October
Bill approved at second reading in the House of Lords by 354-220. An amendment moved by Lord Owen to commit the most controversial clauses of the Bill to a select committee was defeated by 330-262
13 October
Lansley forced to provide subsidies to keep essential services going in the health service, as the National Audit Office warns that at least 20 NHS trusts are not "financially or clinically viable in their current form".
19 October
New chair of super-quango that will run the NHS, University College London's provost Malcolm Grant, tells MPs that the coalition's health bill is "completely unintelligible".
26 October
Lansley says NHS managers who fail to get hospitals ready to become foundation trusts by 2014 will be "removed and replaced".
3 November
Ministers forced to "pause" a key part of its NHS bill to stave off an embarrassing rebellion from key Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords – a move that ensures peers will now debate the controversial legislation until Christmas.
10 November
The government signs off on a decade-long contract to let the first hospital to pass to private company Circle in a deal worth £1bn.
25 November
Assessments by NHS show the government's shakeup of the NHS has led to a decline in public confidence, "may destabilise existing services" and has raised risks to patient safety to disturbing levels.
13 December
A "leadership vacuum" caused by the government's plans for the health service puts lives at risks and is forcing hospitals into dire financial straits in London – the largest single region of the NHS – health thinktank the King's Fund warns.
20 December
The coalition government's health bill will dilute accountability to parliament and the courts and should be amended to address serious constitutional issues that remain, a Lords committee warns.
21 December
Lords committee stage ends.
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