Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011




   -  There (Paradise) they
will abide forever -- 2: 25; 

   -  Such are rightful
owners of the Garden - they will abide therein -- 2: 82;

   -  Such are rightful
owners of the Fire - they will abide therein -- 2: 39;  81

   -  With Allah is a more
excellent abode -- 3: 14;

   -  Their habitation the
Fire -  hapless abode of wrong-doers --
3: 151;

   -  Abode of Hereafter is
better for those who keep duty to Allah -- 6: 32;  who ward-off evil -- 7: 169;

   -  For them is the abode
of Peace -- 6: 127;

   -  Allah will say Fire is
your home - abide forever -- 6: 128;

   -  Who deny and scorn
revelations are owners of Fire  - will
abide therein -- 7: 36;

   -  Believers who do good
works - owners of Garden - will abide therein -- 7: 42;

   -  Allah tells Moses I
shall show you the abode of evil-livers -- 7: 145;

   -  Kuffar will abide in
Fire -- 9: 17;   13: 5;

   -  There they will abide
forever -- 9: 22;

   -  Who oppose Allah and
messenger will abide in hell -- 9: 63;

   -  Allah promises kuffar
and hypocrites hell as their abode -- 9: 68;  
9: 73;

   -  Messenger and
believers who strive --- will abide in Paradise -- 9: 89;

   -  Their abode is hell -
reward for what they earned -- 9: 95

   -  He hath made ready for
them Paradise where they will abide forever -- 9: 100;

   -  Allah summon to the
abode of Peace -- 10: 25;

   -  Such are rightful
owners of the Garden - they will abide therein --10: 26;   11: 23;  
---  rightful

      owners of the Fire --- 10: 27;  

   -  We did not allot to
the Jews a fixed abode -- 10: 93;

   -  The wretched ones will
be in the Fire -- abiding as long as heavens -- 11: 106-107;

   -  Those who will be
glad  will be in the Garden abiding as
long as heavens -- 11: 108;

   -  For those who ward-off
evil, abode of hereafter is best -- 12: 109;

   -  Theirs the curse and
theirs the ill abode -- 13: 25;

   -  -- abiding therein by
permission of Allah -- 14: 23;

   -  Allah hath given you
in your houses an abode -- 16: 80;

   -  And to bring to
believers --- news of fair reward wherein they’ll abide forever -- 18: 2-3;

   -  Believers who do good
works - Paradise to abide -  no desire
to be removed -- 18: 107-108;

   -  Who comes to Allah a
believer who did good works - Paradise - they will abide forever -- 20: 75-76;

   -  Who turn away from it
-- will bear burden on Day of Resurrection - abiding under it -- 20: 100-101;

   -  Idolaters and their
idols - will all abide in hell -- 21: 98-100;

   -  -- they will abide in
what their souls desire -- 21: 101-104;

   -  Successful are
believers who --- will inherit Paradise -- will abide therein -- 23: 1-11;

   -  -- Garden of
Immortality --- therein abiding -- having all they desire -- 25: 15-16;

   -  It is wretched as
abode and station -- 25: 66;

   -  The doom will be
doubled - he will abide therein forever -- except him -- 25: 68-70;

   -  They will be awarded
the high place -- abiding there forever -- happy-- 25: 75-76;

   -  Is not He best who
made the earth a fixed abode -- 27: 61;

   -  Korah told to seek
abode of hereafter with what Allah hath given -- 28: 77;

   -  We assign abode of hereafter
to those who seek not oppression in earth nor -- 28: 83;

   -  Your abode will be the
Fire -- 29: 25;

   -  But if you desire
abode in the hereafter -- 33: 29;

   -  Allah hath prepared
for them a Fire wherein  they’ll abide
forever -- 33: 64- 68;

   -  The day when excuse of
evil-doers is useless - theirs the curse - theirs the ill-abode -- 40: 51-52;

   -  That He may bring
believers into Paradise wherein they will abide -- 48: 5;

   -  Such are rightful
owners of the fire -- they will abide therein -- 58: 17;

   -  -- and will bring them
into Gardens --- wherein they will abide -- 58: 22;

   -  The consequence for
both (hypocrites and devil) - they are in the Fire - therein abiding -- 59: 17;

   -  Believers who do right
---- will be brought into Paradise to abide therein forever -- 64: 9;   65: 11;

   -  Kuffar who deny
revelations - owners of Fire -- will abide therein -- 64: 10;

   -  -- then bestowed on
him --- and sons abiding in his presence -- 74: 11-15;

   -  Didn’t We create you
from --- which We laid up in safe abode for known term -- 77: 20- 23;

   -  Hell - therein they
will abide for ages -- 78: 21- 23;

   -  Kuffar of the People
of the Book and idolaters will abide in hell -- 98: 6;


   -  They will swear by
Allah, if we are able, we’d have set out with you -- 9: 42;

   -  Allah is able to give
them victory -- 22: 39;

   -  We send down water -
We are able to withdraw it -- 23: 18;

   -  Who is able to guide
him whom Allah sent astray -- 30: 29;

   -  We are able to restore
his very fingers -- 75: 4;

   -  Is not He Who does so
able to bring the dead to life -- 75: 40;

   -  He is able to return
him to life -- 86: 8;  


   -  Allah abolishes what
Satan proposes -- 22: 52;


   -  To swear by Divining
Arrows is an abomination -- 5: 3;

   -  To eat that over which
Allah’s name not mentioned is an abomination -- 6: 121;

   -  I do not find in Quran
anything prohibited to eat except ---or 
the abomination slaughtered to

      other than Allah -- 6: 145;

   -  Will you commit
abomination such as no other creature ever did before you -- 7: 80;

   -  Before then they used
to commit abominations -- 11: 78;

   -  My Lord enjoins
justice ---- and forbids lewdness and abomination ..... 16:90

   -  They commit abomination
therein --- 17: 16

   -  Come not near to
adultery --- it is an abomination --- 17: 32;

   -  We delivered him from
a community that did abominations --- 21: 74;

   -  Will you knowingly
commit abomination --- 27: 54;

   -  Did you not commit
abominations in your meetings -- 29: 29;

   -  Those who avoid
enormities of sin and abominations save ------ 53: 32;


   -  They are losers who
slay their children -------  6: 140;

Read quran and it will guided us to the true teaching of The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) he summarized the religion of Islam with this statement: “The Religion is naseehah (sincerity)!” So then Tameem ibn Aws, may Allah be pleased with him, then said, “We asked, ‘To whom?’” He said: “To Allah, HIS BOOK holy quran, His Messenger, the leaders of the people, and their common folk.” [Muslim] so to study the religion people should go to the source of and source of Islam is the quran so learning quran and reading quran with the meaning the quran tafsir and then explore the words of wisdom. And for the Muslims the sincerity that is due to the Book of Allah includes doing the quran recitation, listening to quran along with learning the tajweed rules and reciting it beautifully, letting our kids learn quran learning holy quran tafseer and the reasons for its revelation, affirming that it is the Truth, the perfect Speech of Allah and not part of the creation, honoring it and defending it, abiding by the orders and prohibitions found in it and teaching quran to spread the word or truth and calling to it. So by learning quran education online and reflecting over the Quran online, one fulfills an obligation and is rewarded for that. Upon fulfilling this obligation, the Quran then becomes a proof for him on the Day of Judgment! And that is our second benefit we will take by embracing this Noble Book...

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